You can help La Casa De Esperanza in a number of ways. You can make a donation to them directly, you can add them to your prayer list, you can roll up your sleeves and come down and help out, or you become part of H12:One’s support team. H12:One is committed to racing with the purpose of helping Casa Esperanza. Through the donations of Sponsors and individuals we hope to make a difference in the lives of those Mother’s and their Children. Yes we will need sponsors for getting this Team up and running, but we will be hoping that some of you will also come on board with the sole purpose of helping us, help Casa Esperanza. As a team it is our Challenge to you to race with us as we try to defeat the Baja one Mile at a time. Everyday these women and the Staff at Casa Esperanza must put one Foot in Front of the other in order to move in a life changing direction, so, we must try do our part and take it One Mile at a time. Below is a list of some of the Big needs, and some of the every day needs.
Every Day Needs of Casa Esperanza:
- Food (A need for everyone, but it’s a miracle how they have food for every meal)
- Water (Drinking and Potable)—a huge challenge these days
- Electricity (Help in having the funds to make their payments)
- Clothing (Some Mom’s come to the Casa with Nothing)
- Transportation (Vehicles require constant maintenance)
Some Maintenance needs:
- The construction of a Maintenance Garage
- Small Bobcat or kobota Tractor
- A Commercial size riding lawnmower
- 100’s of cubic meters of Concrete
- A Water Truck (Min. 2000 gallons)
3 Responses
My son Samuel loves the Baja races and has been working fervently on his own Baja bug for the past two years! He met you in 2019 and we are watching Dust to Glory together right now and your organization brought me to tears! We would like to donate to Casa Esperanza but have been unable to do so in the website! How can we donate to your organization?
Thank you,
Samuel and Candace Ramsey
Hi, Candace! Thank you for asking. Please contact Dennis directly:
858-605-1403 (USA) &
011-52-646-151-9511 (Mexico)
I just watched Dust2Glory and your incredible story touched my heart. I live in the Boston area and in 1999, we adopted 4 kids (all siblings from 8-15) from an orphanage in a mining town in Hungary. The kids joined our family that already had been blessed with 3 boys. I knew at the time it would either be the very best decision I could ever make, or the worst mistake I ever made. It has always been the best decision --going on 23 years now. We knew in our hearts in a way that it seems similar to the way you knew the moms and children of Mi Casa Esperanza that you support with all of your heart and hard work needed you. They have been so very blessed by your service and the hearts and efforts of your entire family, team and sponsors. I would like to make a donation of some kind to help. Please get in touch when you find a moment. God bless you, Dennis.